You need to provide the text so we can see what type of document it is
This passage is an example of an editorial
An editorial presents information and contains investigation and facts but it differs from the news story since it is biased and it has the purpose of appeal to the audience, here the writer will expose their point of view, based on the acquired and expressed information and it could have two styles it could be informative or entertaining.
Dear (said friend),
Hey, I hope your well, I know we haven't talked in a while so im sending his letter to "break the ice". I also wanted to tell you that I got a scholarship and im going to be doing study abroad in Paris! Im actually on the plane while im writing this so by the time you get this ill be sending you another postcard/letter of all the wonderful things im going to see and explore. Well I have to get off my plane now but let me know how youve been. Miss ya.
from (your name here)
when we see that he repeats the bad qualities any one can guess that the narrator is angry, this applies to real life as well.