In Japanese history of demons there was an urban legend who hunts the Japanese girl bathrooms but this was in Michigan when this happened it all started when I was inside of my old apartment I was a baby and me and my brother slept together and so my brothers and my mom's said when we always walked past your bedroom we always saw somebody sitting on you on your bed we always started it was strange he was just sitting on the side of the bed but we couldn't see him cuz he was a dark figure person and so I was terrified when I was getting my hair wash I thought about what she was saying I close my eyes and I was terrified it still haunts me like for part two.
I can't tell if you're arguing or y'all just being friends to be honest you're both like started liking me as soon as I got on here so that's why I picked you both
thats wierd but wouldnt they die ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????