Operating system (OS)<span> software allows you to use your fingers, a mouse or other pointing device to select screen controls, such as buttons and scroll bars or pictures, also called Resource Manager. </span><span>Operating System manages all the Resources like Memory and Processor and all the Input output Devices, it manages all the Resources of the System. </span>
AACAdvanced Audio Coding Computing » Software -- and more..
The purpose of the domain name is for credibility and location purposes.
For example.
nz.gov means that the domain owner is the government on New Zealend
A. the BY statement.
The BY statement aids the procedure MEANS to develop the tree for the current BY group only, thereby analyze the stats, and clean the tree prior to the start and development of the next BY group.
However, without the BY statement, procedure MEANS develops its AVL tree for both the whole file and all sector estimates crossings established in CLASS.
Hence, in this case, the correct answer is the BY Statement.