The persian people had to first defeat their rulers,the babylonians
La propuesta de la “Patria Nueva” planteada por Leguía cuyo contenido esencial fue: Democratizar el régimen político nacional través del voto plebiscitario, en oposición a la fenecida República Aristocrática.
si esto te ayuda a marcarme de la manera más inteligente
A low standard of living promted the government to make these changes
(i know you have the answer there but I did it so that it is easier for others to find ;) )
Slaves sent to the Caribbean and South America did not live long because of the harsh climate, diseases, and terrible living conditions.
Communists: No invasion of Cuba
United States: Missiles removed from Cuba
Both: Nuclear war avoided
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 1962 crisis between the Soviet Union and Cuba on the one hand and the United States on the other. The conflict began with the US deploying its medium-range missiles in Turkey and Italy, which pointed to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union discovered this and responded by deploying nuclear missile missiles in Cuba. The most tense period began on October 16, 1962, when President John F. Kennedy saw photographic evidence of Soviet nuclear weapons pointing to America. The crisis lasted for thirteen days until October 28, 1962, when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev ordered the dismantling of the installations against the United States pledging not to attack Cuba and dismantling and removing its medium-range missiles from Turkey and Italy. This crisis is perceived as the period when the Cold War was almost developing into a nuclear war.