Answer:the area that is favorable for farming in the United States is the south
Do you have it duct tape style, that’s my fav version
It would be the economic policy of "mercantilism" that was based on the idea that the American colonies primarily were meant to provide economic benefits for Great Britain, since this philosophy held that trade between two entities benefits mainly the larger entity (in this case Britain), and that it is in that entity's best interest to protect its trading partner (the colonies).
The Hessians were German mercenaries. Stark is saying that they are on a hill that he and his comrades will take and if they don't his wife will be a widow. In other words, it means that the victory will come to the Americans or they will die trying.
The Americans had more at stake. If they were defeated they would be hung for treason. In their minds, George III was a tyrant who would not listen to them. Nor would he dispense Justice.