staw or straw? But, never the less, normal insulation hurts the environment. while being manufactured, the factory's blow smoke. while straw/staw do not have to be built, so there for wont hurt the environment.
The hemoglobin holoenzyme (active enzyme) is a complex of an iron ion and 4 subunits- 2 hemoglobin alpha and two hemoglobin beta. People with sickle cell disease have mutated beta hemoglobins. The mutation is a single nucleotide exchange, that changes the 6th amino acid of protein primary struture - a Glutamic acid into Valine. This one alteration changes the tree dimentional structure of hemoglobin beta so, that it forms lond fibres that disrupt the normal circular form of the red blood cells.
The suspect might be guilty, but more information is needed from other parts of the investigation.
Due process states innocent until proven guilty. Having an 80 percent chance of deception is not solid proof of anything. It does, however, bring more speculation to the table that this person is indeed guilty, but because there is no actual proof, the investigators must find more information on the matter.
DNA/ Traits
they trace species origins back and find common point and every time they do, they connect them on the line, creating something that looks like "branches" google "cladogram"