1- الاولاد ذهبو الى السوق (The kids went to the shop)
2- المعلمه مسحت السبوره (The teacher wiped the board)
3- الاشجار بجانب الجامعه (The trees are near the college)
4-السائق صاق السياره (The driver drove the car)
5- انا ذاهب الى الجامعه (I am going to the college)
6- انت مسافر الى دبي لحتفل العيد (You are travelling to Dubai to celebrate Eid)
7- الولد سقط من السقف (The boy fell from the roof)
8-هو لمس الأسد (He touched the lion)
9-هي تشبه القمر (She looks like the moon)
10-انا مريض لمده ثلاثه ايام (I'm sick for 3 days)
11-السياره خبطت الجدار (The car hit the wall)
12- خالد ذهب الى المكتبه (Khaled went to the library)
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Hi! How are you? My dad’s age.