this is the answer
I gathered with the entire student body of Wyoming Catholic College on Sept. 17, 2019, for a mandatory celebration of Constitution Day. We began with the Pledge of Allegiance, witnessed a lively panel discussion between professors on the history and modern relevance of America’s founding principles, and concluded by singing patriotic songs.
If you are a student at a typical American university, that description probably sounds foreign to anything you have experienced. Anti-Americanism has spread across college campuses like a wildfire, igniting rage and resentment against anything perceived as oppressive — even the American flag. As a result, most universities would likely shy away from a celebration of our nation’s founding in favor of more “inclusive” events.
The correct answer is Abp Majha. It is formerly called Star Majha. It's a Marathi News website that provides the latest news, photos, and videos from Maharashtra and the world.
Er...okay whats the answer you looking for here?
Hello, I am also taking Latin right now and have for a bit and while you are on the right track, your translation is off. Here is what it should be "We love to teach the boys girls. The students love their teacher. It is pleasing to teach students/ We love to teach students about the history of the Roman letters. In the game, there are many students. And the disciples to learn the Latin language to mature."