Remember that pronouns help you a lot, replacing nouns to understand grammar tones better.
well I still have to do summer school but it's fine cause I am going to do musical theater and I like that. my plans are spending time with my friends as much as I can because we are all not going to the same school. so that's why we want to spent as much time together as possible. maybe go to a water park if it's not expensive lol (we're broke (TT)
what are your plans?
Interaction Design (Voices That Matter) [Colborne, Giles] on
"Simple and Usable" is one of the best books I've read for practical, specific In just 4 words, it summed up all the key methods a designer uses to
Those businesses that choose to ignore social media development do so at the risk of losing potential customers and profits.
The school had given special permission to Mr. Montero to go on the field trip
with his class because it was poetry month.