---Circulate a petition proposing or opposing a law.
The correlational method is a research method in which two variables are measured for each participant and the extent to which those variables are related is measured.
The Framers of the Constitution created a representative democracy that represents the will of people at the national, state, and regional levels.
Representative democracy is effective in the case of the United States where a single elected official reflects the will of a large number of citizens. In the US, only two senators represent the desire of all the residents in their states. Countries with democratic democracy save time and resources by holding a small number of government elections, which can then be dedicated to other public services. And if the representatives fail up to the aspiration of people they can be changed in the next elections.
Hunter gatherers had to move from place to place to ensure that their supply of food is not diminished. By moving from place to place they took advantage of the local flora and fauna which needed time to replenish its resources.
Best I can do : )