International government organization requires participation from three states at least, whose individuals are bound by a formal contract.
International organizations provide numerous assorted capacities, including gathering data and observing patterns for example WMO, conveying administrations and help like WHO, and giving forms for exchange as EU and settling issues likeWorld Trade Organization.
The correct answer is D. It called for immediate military intervention in any Latin American country experiencing unrest or political instability.
The Roosevelt Corollary was an amendment to the Monroe Doctrine by Theodore Roosevelt, the President of the United States of America. The Monroe Doctrine recognized Latin America and the Caribbean as territory to expand trade interests of the United States in the region. Further, its original goal was to maintain European hegemony outside the hemisphere.
It frees black slaves in the South. "All persons held as slaves within the rebrllious states are and hencefowars shall be free." It dosent however free existing slaves in the north, that happens 2 years later. In December 1865 the thirteenth amendment was ratified finally ending slavery in the United States.
Lincoln was able to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation in parts of Mississippi.