I think it was priests and nobles because before the printing press was invented they made written copies of the bible.
Dynamics-The variation of loudness and softness in a music piece. Examples are ff, p, mf, mp. Pitch is how the note is played, if it is flat or sharp. Form is the appearance, texture is how the note is being played (tongued, played softly etc) harmony is when notes fit together to harmonize.
The image is of a side profile of a woman's head, mounted on a cubed-base. She appears to be leaning, or perhaps falling. Although the woman is obviously plastic, the apathy and surrender in her face is supported by the statement, which written vertically down the left-hand side of the picture. The eye natural goes to the woman's eye, and then tends to drift up towards the word and the top and then down the statement, which gives the piece balance along with the use of shades and shadows creating unity.
I think a good addition to a collection of writing instruments that were unique to the twentieth century would be pens and pencils like we have now because back then they dipped feathers in ink and then wrote with them. They were very special because people wrote there feeling and grocery list and drew thing as art. And maybe more to add on would be paint brushes to make beautiful art like they did back then. I hope this helped u and that all your questions are answered.