I think B.
Brett grabs Tor's arm and give him a warning
It is a simile, because the author used the words (like) and (a), those are always hints that it is a simile.
The last sentence is an example of a comma splice since 2 independent clauses are connected by only a comma(it needs a coordinating conjunction after the comma or change it to semicolon or period)
1. Ramesh asked Imran what he could do for him?
2. The teacher asked Haider Why he had come late to the class again?
3. He asked me Where is the boat? Hurry up we have been chasen.
4. The visitor asked me what is the name of that beautiful beautiful.
5. the painter told me that he had been to the picture.
6. he said that no he had not broken the glass.
Muir's writing is on both the beauty and harshness of nature. He talks about the beauty of the flower he discovered, but then talks about having to go without supper or blankets and how storms and the harsh weather conditions became welcomed after probably showing up a lot.