The answer is already given at the end of the question; solely by the magnitude or severity of expected harm
When assessing risks of harm associated with participation in a research study, the probability of harm and the risk of the severity of harm are two distinctive elements of risk that must be considered. In probability of harm, the fact that not all possible harms are equally probable should be considered. How these two elements occur is a crucial factor in determining the level of risk of harm in a study. Given the sensitivity of the information in the case scenario above, the probability that an individual subject could be identified is low while the magnitude of the possible risk of harm is high.
The following cools the air in a household refrigerator: Absorption of the heat from the air due to evaporation of the liquid refrigerant . Correct answer:B
The function of the refrigerator is to absorb heat into the refrigeration system. The evaporator is placed in the area to be cooled. The refrigerant vaporizes from the heat it absorbs heat in the evaporator.
The senders PC is using UDP protocol
UDP is the User Datagram Protocol which is used as an alternative communication protocol to the TCP which is used primarily for establishing low latency and loss of tolerating connections between applications on the internet UDP is normally used by the programs running on different computers on a network. Its purposes is to send short messages which are datagrams. It is not much reliable because of its occasional loss of packet. Due to this packet loss the recipient is not guaranteed that the data being streamed will not get interrupted. This is because If a router on the Internet starts getting overloaded, or a packet gets corrupted due to interference or anything, the packet will be dropped unlike the TCP (Transmission control protocol)which resend the packets and keeps re sending. The UDP does not resend the packets which are dropped. Once they are dropped that all.
Answer: No particular term
If by formatting you are referring to the presentation of the html page or website means how the forntend looks then css is used. In case of text formatting then bold <b><b/> italic <i></i> small <small></small> superscript <sup></sup> subscript <sub></sub> etc tags available