Quotations reproduce the original words from text or speech that the author or speaker made. In that respect, they can be introduced with an introductory sentence and colon. For example:
<em>In his most famous monologue, Prince Hamlet contemplates taking his own life: "To be, or not to be--that is the question:/ Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles/ And by opposing end them."</em>
Besides, quotations can be introduced with an introductory phrase and a comma, and by embedding the quote within a text without any additional commas or colons.
Superlative is used to compare a quality of a person or thing with everyone in their group, Example: 'Kim is the TALLEST student in the class' Tallest is superlative because she is being compares a quality of her, with everyone else included. While Comparative is used to compare two people or two things, Example: 'Kim is TALLER than Sue' taller is comparative because it is being compared between two people (or things)
<em>I hope i could be of help :)</em>
By thinking before we act, we can make better decisions.
Some people say whatever is in their mind without thinking about whether or not they are hurting someone else's feelings. This can lead to tense, ruined relationships.
Hope this helps!