The ability to produce a variety of goods and services
Diversified economies are more likely to be self-sufficient as well as longer lasting. The economy can help to support within itself and continue to build. When a sector leaves, the country will become dependent on an outside source for that sector.
Answer is “descriptio terrae” means description of earth.
Tellus is a Latin word meaning "Earth"
I’m not sure what term the question is looking for?
The answer is a) oil
Oil, especially in these areas, are abundant. In the past, these areas became wealthy because of oil.
2. A subduction trench forms where the subducting plate bends downward into the mantle
1. An accretionary prism begins to form
4. Magma, created by flux melting of the mantle, rises through the overriding plate
3. Lava erupts onto the surface, forming volvanes
Volcanoes on the ocean floor erupt to create oceanic islands, often referred to as volcanic islands. Oceanic islands are also called as "high islands," regardless of their height. Low islands are continental and coral islands, which can be hundreds of metres taller than high islands. Even though they are encircled by water, continents are not categorised as islands because of their size. The smallest continent, Australia, is more than three times larger than the largest island, Greenland. In every ocean, lake, and river in the world, there are innumerable islands.
Learn more about volcanoes here: