Fractions can be simplified by making sure that the numerator and the denominator cannot be divided by any number.
The given 12/60 is very obvious that it is divisible by 2.
After dividing by 2, you will get 6/30.
It seems it is not in simplest form. It is divisible by 3.
Dividing the numerator and denominator by 3 then you will get
So the lowest term is 2/15.
6square root of 3 (numerator) over÷ square root of 3 and square root of 3. Then you get 6 square root of 3 over ÷ 3=2 square root of 3.
Take time mate) Good day.
14.4, if my calculator was correct
V / ( pi r^2) = h
Step-by-step explanation:
V = pi r^2 h
Divide each side by pi r^2
V / ( pi r^2) = pi r^2 h / pi r^2
V / ( pi r^2) = h