The Northwest Ordinance stipulated the creation of at least three but not more than five states out of the Northwest Territory. Once sixty thousand people resided in a territory, they could apply for statehood.
Depending on the options provided, the correct answer is:
- Taking them over and running their financial affairs to pay their foreign debts.
- Not invading Germany.
In 1915, Haitian President Jean Vilbrun Guillaume Sam was murdered. US President, Wilson, feared a possible German invasion, so he sent the U.S. Marines to Haiti in order to prevent anarchy and protect American assets in the country. The Haitian-American Treaty of 1915 founded the Haitian Gendarmerie controlled by the U.S. Marines, and the United States obtained total control over Haitian finances.
The population of native Latin Americans decreased during the age of exploration and with colonization because of the diseases that conquistadors and colonizers brought that Latin Americans did not have any previous exposure to (no immunity so died from the diseases). The colonizors had used native populations for labor so when they died, they needed a new form of labor. They brought Africans to latin america and enslaved them for their labor. This bringing of slaves over created the transatlantic slave trade (depicted in the pictures, transatlantic bc they were shipping over the atlantic ocean) and also created the diaspora of african culture and religions to latin america (this is found most in the carribean).
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