By the time President Kennedy forced negotiations that ended segregation in Birmingham, the KKK began their bombing campaign. The most horrific impact of the campaign itself was the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing that killed four young girls in September of 1963.
Answer: Imperialism.
Japanese imperialism was most evident in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, until World War II. That was the reason the Japanese were continuously arming themselves. Japan sought to achieve its imperialist aspirations to the detriment of its neighbors, and for a long time was the most powerful factor in the Far East. By the above, Japan fought during the Second World War on the side of Germany precisely because of its efforts to implement its imperialist aspirations through war.
1. Dinero llama dinero.
Tener cierto capital inicial nos hará más propensos a generar más riqueza.
2. A la tercera va la vencida.
No debemos desistir en nuestros intentos por perseverar.
3. Más vale prevenir que lamentar.
Tomar precauciones es una forma inteligente de evitar males mayores.
– ¡Tamaa-leees oaxaqueñoooos, llevee sus ricos tamales…! – Venta de tamales.
– ¡Tortillaaas, lleve sus ricas tortillas calientitaaas! – Ofrecimiento de tortillas hechas de maíz.
– ¡Llegó el pan, a solo tres pesitos llegó el pan! – Vendedor de Pan.
The life in the colonies were pretty harsh. Because of the King. The king bascially made taxes for everything from paper to anything you can think of. That is just part of it, the king also made the colontis keep britsh army in their houses so they feed the army, provided everything for the army