20:7 Thou shad not mention the name of the Lord the God in vainfor the Lord will not possess the name of the innocent
Woody (Tom Hanks), a good-hearted cowboy doll who belongs to a young boy named Andy (John Morris), sees his position as Andy's favorite toy jeopardized when his parents buy him a Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) action figure. Even worse, the arrogant Buzz thinks he's a real spaceman on a mission to return to his home planet. When Andy's family moves to a new house, Woody and Buzz must escape the clutches of maladjusted neighbor Sid Phillips (Erik von Detten) and reunite with their boy.
If im not mistaken its A collage degree
The answer is: 'Conflict
B) the moment of greatest tension; the turning point'
Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.