the men whom you see at Rome, my brothers, to draw out the money
D, Each country in North America uses it’s own currency, they have their own rules, equal rights and rights and different ideas, not everyone is the same in life also, some people use Euros and some people use the U.S. dollar, some people use different things for money.
<span>Anda telah terbeli baju sejuk yang diperbuat daripada kulit khinzir . apakah tindakkan anda setelah menyedari hal itu?:
You have bought a sweater made from pig skin. what are your actions after realizing it?
Bergantung, adalah ia selesa?:
Depends, is it comfortable?
Uhmm, I believe the language is Malay...</span>
<span>Specifies the role of punctuation in the sentence: marble, stone, wood sculptor who works with are only seemingly inert.</span>
<span>Scrie o compoziție de 100-150 cuvinte în care să prezinți cel mai frumos început / sfârșit al anului școlar ...... Vrei să scriu una? Vrei să fie ficțiune, non-ficțiune. Cine e caracterul principal?
<span>Write a composition of 100-150 words in which to present the most beautiful start / end of the school year ...... Do you want to write one? Want to be fiction, non-fiction. Who is the main character?</span>