The glass is half empty, because it was once seen as full and will never be full again.
The message that is delivered in the Wife of Bath's Tale is that women desire to have sovereignty over men. This is the lesson learned by the errant knight on his quest to find the answer to the question “What do women most desire?”
Louisa May Alcott named her book <em>Little Women</em>, because it's a novel on the lives of young girls, transitioning and maturing into young adults, or as paraphrased, Little Women.
I want to become a lawyer. First, I will take debate in high school, strengthen my essay writing and graduate high school with straight A's. Then I will work hard to get my bachelor's degree in political science. Then I will apply to law school and hopefully get in. Finally, I will work hard and graduate law school. Then I will take my bar exam and become a lawyer.