A weary rider would often reach California in 10 days.
Prepositions serve as intermediary words that connect nouns, pronouns or phrases to sentences to form meaningful sentences.
These connecting words are very short and are commonly placed in front of a noun.
According to the English language, prepositions are 'closed class' of words.
Examples are of, in, at, by, under, over etc.
Prepositions are of six types.
· Preposition for Time
· Preposition for Place
· Preposition for Direction
· Preposition for Agent
· Preposition for Phrases
· Preposition for Instruments
The correct option is option 4 as given below.
As the complete list of options is not given with the question, it is as below
- because he prefers to stay home and listen to his sister play the violin
- because he has to stay away from his family, which is painful to him
- because he is an artist at heart but has to work as a salesman
- because he has to travel a lot and undertake mundane tasks
Out of these
- option 1 is not correct as it is not a reason to dislike the job
- option 2 is not correct as the family is not a direct relation to disliking the job
- option 3 is not correct as there is a relation regarding the logical reason to dislike job however there is no indication in the passage regarding the liking of the protagonist as an artist.
- Option 4 is the correct option as there is indication in the article that the protagonist had to travel a lot as a salesman and undertake mundane rudimentary tasks through out the course of his life.
its an adjective phrase and trust me on that one
Is not always directly stated