you shouldn't eat any shark, swordfish or marlin. You should also limit your tuna intake to no more than two 140g tuna steaks or four 140g cans of tuna per week. This is because these fish are slow growing and may contain more mercury than other types of fish, which can affect your baby's developing nervous system
i’m not sure i know the answer but i found this quizlet link that might help you out
El mismo Cervantes afirma que escribió Don Quijote para socavar la influencia de esos "vanos y vacíos libros de caballerías", así como para proporcionar un material alegre, original y, a veces, prudente para el entretenimiento de sus lectores.
No estoy seguro de si esto ayuda, pero aquí está mi mejor suposición.
A draw like a baby in a christmas present box or in a pink blanket, or a baby with a big red ribbon on it shirt.
Answer:Im guessing you meant scrap book? put scraps in a book