Not only is it the purchase of about 40% of America, it also helped grounds to on-go our advancement as a civilization.
<span>Slobodan Milosevic
He resigned in 2000 following demonstrations in Serbia. However, the prime minister extradited him to the ICC. He refused to appoint defense for his case arguing that the courts was illegal. He died five years later from heart ailments. the court later acquitted him of any crime, but held he was responsible for not prosecuting the genocide perpetrators.
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The ancient greece created it
The south never again fought on the union soil
The Battle of Gettysburg was a pivotal moment during the Civil War, because it made possible for the North to reclaim the Mississippi River which was a very important route for the North. Also, by reclaiming the River, the North split the Confederacy in two, which made things very hard for them because of the transportation of supplies. Also, after the battle, the Confederate Army was forced to retreat to Virginia and would not return North again.
1790. It when on for many years and membership even rose in 1820