Answer: You need a killer thesis statement that blows wigs off
If your thinking about creating a book, then create a scenorio and characters in your head and just let your mind expand on its own. Get ideas from other books, study different types of characters and personalites, and there's a bunch of websites too that can generate some ideas for you :)
The saying means what is considered good is in fact bad and what is considered bad is actually good.
an example could be you trust someone and they seem to be a good person but looks are deceiving and they turn out to be bad
First, the definition of aqueous is watery or water like. So anything that is used to describe something that is kind of like water or liquid may be referred to as aqueous. A sentence with the word aqueous could be, "When we did our chemistry assignment the other day, we realized that when we pour a certain chemical on one of the crystal rocks that we picked up, the crystal rocks turned into some aqueous substance probably due to some kind of chemical reaction.
Focusing on Passepartout’s perspective makes the story
objective. Passepartout doesn’t have a personal bias or have anything to prove
so he doesn't react impulsively or affectionately. (Greenleafable,
Brainly)“Being much less cool-headed than Mr. Fogg, he was
much more restless, counting and recounting the days passed over, uttering
maledictions when the train stopped, and accusing it of sluggishness, and
mentally blaming Mr. Fogg for not having bribed the engineer. The worthy fellow
was ignorant that, while it was possible by such means to hasten the rate of a
steamer, it could not be done on the railway.” This is a quote showing that the
narrator is telling the story from third person, not Passepartou from first, thus giving the story a more real and relatable aspect to it.