I'm not sure what you're wanting but I didn't sleep good would have sounded better with I didn't sleep well no word immediately is spelled wrong it should be I let another hour pass The word quick is in the wrong place shower quickly would be more appropriate The word early does not belong there should not be an explanation mark after headache when I finally arrived would be more appropriate there is no such word as worser it is just plain worse also I don't think I should have an exclamation mark unless they're stressing those two sentences then it would be appropriate as far as the commas go there are a couple misplaced or added extra but I'm not really sure which ones.
The answer to this problem is Patton knows that he would get sick and die.
Theroux’s points are all accurate to this day. He presents certain objectives that are still presented today among women and men. Specifically, Theroux utilizes factors such as ‘ In a sense, little girls are traditionally urged to please adults with a kind of coquettishness, while boys are enjoined to behave like monkeys towards each other. The nine year old coquette proceeds to become womanish in a subtle power game in which she learns to be sexually indispensable, socially decorative and always alert to a man’s sense of inadequacy’ and ‘Femininity — being ladylike — implies needing a man as witness and seducer; but masculinity celebrates the exclusive company of men. That is why it is so grotesque; and that is also why there is no manliness without inadequacy — because it denies men the natural friendship of women.’ This evidence depicts how even in the present day, his theories among both genders continue to remain accurate.
Theroux’s points are all accurate to this day. He presents certain objectives that are still presented today among women and men. Specifically, Theroux utilizes factors such as ‘ In a sense, little girls are traditionally urged to please adults with a kind of coquettishness, while boys are enjoined to behave like monkeys towards each other. The nine year old coquette proceeds to become womanish in a subtle power game in which she learns to be sexually indispensable, socially decorative and always alert to a man’s sense of inadequacy’ and ‘Femininity — being ladylike — implies needing a man as witness and seducer; but masculinity celebrates the exclusive company of men. That is why it is so grotesque; and that is also why there is no manliness without inadequacy — because it denies men the natural friendship of women.’ This evidence depicts how even in the present day, his theories among both genders continue to remain accurate.
As an avid runner, I cannot imagine how I would successfully cope with life’s challenges without going running, which helps me clear my mind of stressful thoughts.