Four score and seven years ago
Abraham Lincoln started his speech at Gettysburg with the six words "Four score and seven years ago", which is just another way to say "87 years ago".
The Crusades to the Holy Land is the best known of the religious wars, beginning in 1095 and lasting some two centuries. These Crusades began with the fervent desire to liberate the Holy Land from the Muslims and ran through eight major numbered crusades and dozens of minor crusades over two centuries.
Bad right
They had to reinvent their economy because General Shermans tactic of total war. when he did total war, he marched from the north all the way to Atlanta, Georgia and destroyed anything that couldn't be used as food or supplies. so they had to reinvent their economy because the south was totally destroyed
Serving is important because it plays a critical role in not only supporting our rights as Americans, but continuing to serve and protect these rights for future US citizens of all race,color, sexuality and identity.