There is no photo. Maybe you can send it.
1.percakapan adalah pembicaraan antara 2 orang atau lebih untuk membahas suatu masalah.
2.perbuatan adalah suatu tindakan yang dilakukan seseorang.
3.Pengakuan adalah sesuatu yang di akui seseorang
Semoga membantu:)
The pronoun is "it" and the antecedent is "a miniature glass hippopotamus".
Extra information:
The word antecedent is composed out of two Latin words: ante and cedere, and it literally means: the "preceding", meaning it refers to the word that precedes the pronoun, that the pronoun refers to. This is not important for the question, but it is important to remember that the antecedent is always in front of the pronoun!
I'm almost positive it is B, but I would count on it being write, coming from me at least