- feeling distressed frequently and not sure why.
- having distress that seems out of proportion to one’s problems.
- considering taking one's life or physically harming oneself.
Mental health is as important as physical health. Every person should take care of mental health like he/she takes care of the physical health. Feeling distressed frequently can lead to depression and even thinking to take one's own life. One should recognize that thinking like these need professional help and one must seek professional help in such matters no matter what the society thinks. One must realize the fact that in order to have a healthy living, having a healthy mindset is very important.
<em>The value of it is 1/2</em></h2>
<em>A dot after a note adds half its value, so if you are talking about a dotted quarter note in 4/4 timing, the quarter note is worth one, and therefore the dot is worth half of one, a half - </em><em>so the dotted quarter note is worth 1 1/2.</em>
What is a quarter note with a dot called?
A dotted quarter note is equal to a quarter note tied to an eighth note (quaver). A dotted half note is equal to a half note tied to a quarter note (crotchet). A dotted whole note is equal to a whole note (semibreve) tied to a half note (minim).
How to calculate the quarter dotted note?
A dot increases the length of a note by one half its value. A dotted quarter <em>note is equal to a quarter note tied to an eighth note (quaver)</em>. A dotted half <em>note is equal to a half note tied to a quarter note (crotchet)</em>. A dotted whole <em>note is equal to a whole note (semibreve) tied to a half note (minim)</em>.
potentially harm their health
Talk about how it would impact them physically and emotionally