1ans-Tone is expressed by your use of syntax, your point of view, your diction, and the level of formality in your writing. Examples of tone in a story include just about any adjective you can imagine
.2ans-The details in paragraph 7 provide further insight into Della and Jim's unfortunate financial situation by describing their lowly, inexpensive $8 apartment and cheap pier-glass, which Della can hardly observe her own reflection in.
3ans and 4ans-A wit would say that a million dollars a year is better than eight dollars a week because that would give you the most money and then the most joy to follow. However, the mathematician would reply something along the lines of “a million dollars a year is better because eight dollars a week is only 416 dollars and those two numbers are verydifferent.” Both of these answers are wrong because for Jim and Della itwas never about the money. From the very beginning of the story we see that money is nothing this couple has in excess. The point is that they gave up their most prized possessions to give their significant other a gift that would bring them joy. Even when that did not pan out and both of them had sold their most prized possessions for the other, they weren’t angry or upset. They were joyful anyway, because they had each other and their love for each other.
A. A has both genders of the students and since we don’t know the amount of students of either gender, this serves as an indication that not all the students are of one gender or another.