Yes but it depends like which way are you talking about.
Franz Boaz was a German-American scientist born in Minden, Germany in 1858. He is known to be the first to develop scientific method of studying human cultures and societies. This renowned anthropologist became popular for his theory of cultural relativism and his contributions to anthropology. He believes culture is the product of human character rather than cultural determinism. His revolutionary discoveries when studying European immigrants to the US, including studies of the cultures, histories, and languages of Native Americans and Kwakiutl led him propound the theory of cultural relativism. His works and theory helps in discouraging racial divide. Franz Boas is known to be the Father of Modern Anthropology and most especially, he is said to be the founder of Modern American Anthropology.
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Repairing and replanting wetlands, creek beds, forestland, and other habitats. Eradicating invasive species. Replacing turf grass with native species. Planting rain gardens to absorb rainwater running off roofs or asphalt.