Directions. Identify what type of research is being described on the given statements. Write your answer on the space provided b
efore each number (descriptive research, correlational research, causal-comparative/quasi research, or experimental) 1. Association between birth order and social skills
2. Relationship between the severity of autism and others' helping behaviors (the more severe the autism the more or less others help you)?
3. Identify the effects of preschool attendance towards the motivation of first grade pupils
4. Participants was divided into groups. The treatment group receives a special reading program. Participants in the control group do not receive the treatment Reading ability is assessed.
5. Examining the academic achievement of two groups, one that goes to tutoring and one that doesn't. Here the groups already existed, they either attended tutoring or not and were placed in groups based on this pre-existing condition.
6. The effects of academic counseling on the academic achievement of children from divorced vs. non-divorced families.
7. Does a low student-teacher ratio cause higher student achievement?
8. Given the spectrum of disorders within autism, what is the range of functioning?
9. How does self-esteem differ among adolescents who differ in the timing of their puberty?
10. A study on the preference of the youth on cosmetics, particularly the kinds of cosmetics they buy?