I guess the correct answer is Project
If thе usеr is intеrеstеd in sеlеcting thе valuеs οf a fеw attributеs, rathеr than sеlеctiοn all attributеs οf thе Tablе (Rеlatiοn), thеn οnе shοuld gο fοr Prοjеct Οpеratiοn.
You should have the percentage of tip based on the service that you received.
Then you multiply the percentage of tip by the amount of money that you have to pay for what you bought.
Is this the full question?
A deque waitingLine is created.Then Jack is added to front of the deque first.After that Rudy is added to the front of the deque.AFter that Larry and sam are inserted at the back.So the last item inserted at the front is front of the deque.So Rudy was the last item inserted at the front.
Hence we conclude that the answer is Rudy.
i. Number of parameters
ii. Type of parameters
When there are two or more constructors, definitely with the same name, in a given class, then the constructors are said to be overloaded. An overloaded constructor appears declared many times in a class but each time with different number of parameters and/or type of parameters.
For example, given a class Test, the following combination of constructors can exist;
i. public Test(int x){
ii. public Test(String m){
iii. public Test(int a, String b){
<em>The following should be noted;</em>
In the case of combination (i) and (ii), the constructors have the same number of parameters but different type of parameter. In other words, they both have 1 parameter but while the first one has a parameter type of <em>int</em>, the second has a parameter type of <em>String</em>.
In the case of combination (ii) and (iii), the constructors have different number of parameters and of course different type of parameters. In other words, the second constructor has 1 parameter of type <em>String</em> while the third constructor has 2 parameters of types <em>int</em> and <em>String</em>.