At the climax when Damon was about to be executed because it was uncertain whether Pythias would make it back in time to save his friend. ... At what point in the story were you most concerned about the return of pythias? ... of the 2 friends puzzles Dionysius when Damon offers to take Pythias's place on death ro
I would advise that she either goes to her school library or a local library. If that is not possible, she could also ask her parents if they can schedule the visit to another date. She could also go to a friend's house anyway studying with friends is enjoyable and advantageous.
Combustible means to be "able to catch fire and burn easily"
This question seems to be incomplete. However, there´s enough information to find the right answer.
The potato crop had failed, leaving his family unable to buy what they needed. So Nathu left his village to look for a job. Someone sent him to the limestone depot, where he got hired by Pritam Singh to clean and look after his truck.
In The Last Truck Ride, by Ruskin Bond, we learn that the potato crop in Nathu´s village had failed, leaving his family unable to buy anything they couldn´t grow despite the summer drought, which was only onions and artichokes. So Nathu left his village to look for a job in the town in the valley. Once there, someone sent him to the limestone depot, where, despite not being able to get a job at the quarries, he did get hired by Pritam Singh to clean and look after his truck.
It could be harsh and abusive to a student especially if they are physically and mentally weaker