Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter (or sound) at the beginning of closely connected words. Of the 22 words in this sentence, 4 of them start with "st," as to "br," which is only 1 word, "sp," which is only 1 word, and "ut," which is also only 1 word. Hope this helped!
The use of bullets to divide different ideas and create a list effect
The name given to these primordial waters and the being who personified them was Nun.
In Egyptian creational myths, Nun or Nu is the oldest of the gods. He is the embodiment of the waters of chaos, the primeval waters. Nun is the father of Ra, the sun god, who rose from the primeval waters on a hillock and created himself and other gods. In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that Nun was the one who caused the annual flood of the Nile. It was also believed that the primeval waters never ceased to exist and that, each morning, as the Sun rose from the waters, the creation of the ordered cosmos was being reenacted.
B, because there is quotations and you have to start a new line when someone else is talking.
Answer: The tinkle of the raindrops echo in the heart of the poet as if his heartbeat responds to every sound of the rain by its rhythm. Moreover, the rain kindles many memories in the poet's mind and he gets lost in dreamy imagination.
Hopefully this helps.