When Beowulf dies, his followers show up. Wiglaf criticizes them for their cowardice in leaving their king to fight the dragon by himself. Wiglaf tells them that they will not have the treasure, because they have disgraced themselves. They end up building Beowulf his funeral pyre and burying the dragon's hoard with his ashes.
Dear father,
How are you ? I think you are fine there, i am also fine here.I had got your letter last time on 08/08 that you had send me.
our school has conduct of school trip program .we are going in bhiar for our education trip .so, i am requesting to you to give me rs 1500 as my school trip.
your lovely son
Name=Manish Dahal
<span>According to ideas in Walden, I suggest you to go with this one: C) He would believe they were destructive to a person’s thinking ability. It's the closest one from options given above.</span>
C because it uses commas in the correct places.