The Victorian Age is characterized by continual change.
The Victorian Age, spanning the duration of Queen Victoria’s rule from 1837–1901, is characterized by the expanding horizons of education and literacy, as well as by an increased desire of the people to question religion and politics
In this age, publications such as Marx and Engles’s Communist Manifesto in 1848 and Darwin’s Origin of the Species in 1859, all served as catalysts for political and religious controversies.
The above ideas of government and science yielded the idealism of the Romantics to a more empirical worldview.
The Victorian age also marks a time of great economic growth, technological advancement and massive industrialization.
The final lines of the poem rightly reassert the importance of community and how no man can be left alone to survive on his own, away from other humans.
In his poem "No Man is an Island", metaphysical poet John Donne talks of the importance of a community/ social interaction for humans to be sane and civilized. No man living alone and away from other humans can survive on his own, irrespective of what may have been presumed.
The lines 8-9 of the poem reads <em>"And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee"</em><em>,</em> which perfectly presents his point home by generalizing the death toll that is ringing for anyone. It could be for you or for me, but that's the uncertainty of life, for we know not when we will all die, but we will die one day, that is a certain fact. Being part of a society or among people is needed for a man to thrive and survive. And one day, the bells will toll for thee. These final lines perfectly resonate the important theme of how man is a social being, and not to be left alone/ living alone. These two lines reassert the importance of man's social dependency on others, his inability to be self sufficient and his need to be in the company of others.
D. Marjane wants to be a prophet to fix the world's injustices
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In "Condensed Milk," nothing is mentioned about the protagonist's cultural upbringing. There was no justification for us politicals to be there, he says, referring to himself and other convicts as "politicals." This most likely indicates that the main character is a well-educated individual who may be a writer or journalist whose opinions and output were seen negatively by the Russian government. A backdrop like this aids the protagonist in comprehending how the camp actually functions. He is aware that the invitation to flee is a trick. He is clever and sly enough to cut off the agreement after obtaining some condensed milk. He makes advantage of his knowledge to extend his life a little. The short tale "Condensed Milk" was written by Varlam Shalamov in Russia (1907-1982). Based on the author's experiences as a prisoner in a Gulag, or forced labor camp, it was written. The protagonist's identity and background are kept a secret. For instance, he is not a member of the same organization as the thieves. His arrest for "political" activity raises questions about his history. He is most likely well-educated, which makes it possible for the government to view him as a danger because he has the freedom to voice his own thoughts. In summary, the "Condensed Milk" protagonist uses his knowledge and intelligence to stay alive.
B at that time puddle by was quite a small town