You can't really expect to find water stored as a gas, as it cools to a liquid at room temperature. You could easily find evaporated water on a stovetop by boiling water, though.
Enzyme Activity- Responsible reactions Enzyme catalyze nearby substrates
Cell to Cell Recognition- Recognize molecules on surface of the other cells
Cell Signalling- A chemical messenger that binds a membrane protein causing to change shape and relay the message inside a cell.
Transport materials- Provides channels for a certain solutes to pass through membrane
I guess it science Oklahoma And ecosystem and protozoans Andrew And thanks
Dominant trait<span> definition. In genetics, a </span>trait<span> that will appear in the offspring if one of the parents contributes it. (Compare recessive </span>trait.) Note: In humans, dark hair is a dominant trait; if one parent contributes a gene for dark hair and the other contributes a gene for light hair, the child will have dark hair ...Recessive traits<span> can be carried in a person's genes without appearing in that person. For example, a dark-haired person may have one gene for dark hair, which is a dominant </span>trait<span>, and one gene for light hair, which is </span>recessive<span>.