Nobles and knights were obliged to protect those who lived on the manor and provide personal and military service to the king.
B. The President.
Congress can declare war.
The correct answer is C) Simon Commission did not have a single India member.
Identify the appropriate reasons for the boycott of the Simon Commission by the Indian: "Simon Commission did not have a single India member."
When we talk about the Simon Commission we are referring to the Indian Statutory Commission of 1928. It was formed by the members of the British Parliament who visited India to investigate the situations and possible reformations in the country. However, Indian people strongly opposed to the formation of that commission by the simple fact that there were no Indian people in that group. So, how foreign politicians were going to implement political reformations in Indian without the participation of the native people of India?
That is shy prominent Hindu people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, and the Muslim League protested.
<span>By the time President Franklin Roosevelt was elected, he found number of laws that advanced labor’s cause. FDR signed the Wagner Act, that gave the workers the right to join unions and bargain through union representatives. It also set up National Labor Relations Board to examine claims of unfair labor practices and to punish employers if they unjustly discharged employees for engaging in union activities. </span>