A dictionary is a source you can use to find definitions of words.
A thesaurus is a source you can use to find synonyms/antonyms for certain words.
These two combined can help you choose words that are not commonly used and it can improve your vocabulary range. I personally use a thesaurus way more than a dictionary to find synonyms for common words such as “good” or “smart”
A. similes use like or as and metaphors do not
different kind of vocabulary that means happy
why is everyone asking this
Implicit bias
Implicit bias applies to anyone who discriminates without given reason towards a type of group/race.
You can effectively organize your writing by writing down your main idea, at least five supporting details for the main idea, a conclusion idea, and a hook (eye-catching beginning sentence). Then, you can make a rough draft using the list you made before. Once you finish the rough draft go through and make sure you cover all the points from your list. And then make another draft, this one with more details and explanations than the first draft. From there you can go through your list again and check your capitulation, punctuation, spelling, grammar, and neatness. Then you can start on your final writing. For the final writing you should not have large amounts of information without line breaks and paragraphs. You should also make sure that you have a title, headings, and (optional) pictures or examples, you may also include excerpts from other writings to make your writing more exciting and to keep the attention of your readers.