<em>Ways to prevent stomach diseases</em><em> </em><em>are</em><em> </em><em>as</em><em> </em><em>given</em><em> </em><em>below</em><em>:</em><em>-</em>
<em><u>Chew food thoroughly, and don't overeat.</u></em>
<em><u>Avoid raw shellfish if you're not sure the source is a safe one.</u></em>
<em><u>Limit your intake of fats and alcohol.</u></em>
<em><u>Get plenty of fluids</u></em><em><u>Exercise daily.</u></em>
<em><u>Exercise daily.</u></em>
<em><u>Avoid foods that cause gas.</u></em>
<em><u>Avoid sweeteners that cause gas such as fructose and </u></em><em><u>surbiton</u></em><em><u> </u></em>
<span>When breeding season arrives, male elephant seals define and defend territories. They collect a harem of 40 to 50 females, which are much smaller than their enormous mates. </span>