Answer: You need to draw from personal experiences that convinced you to study medicine
These can include:
1. An instance when you saw a medical personnel save someone's life. This can be the life of a stranger on a flight or in a park or someone dear to you. It is better to think of someone dear to you that was quickly saved due to the presence of a medical professional.
2. An instance when you were impressed by how a medical personnel handled a health scare.
A shadowing experience is when you dedicated time to see what working in medicine really looks like in the real world. You should use this part of your essay to show that you know about the less desirable aspects of the job (from what you saw while shadowing a professional) and it has not deterred you from pursuing a career in medicine.
The answer is a C. The offsprings from this generation are from a cross between parents who are heterozygous (one parent) and homozygous recessive. This means that all the offsprings of the filial 1 (one) generation will carry a recessive allele. However, those with an equivalent dominant allele will not exhibit the attached earlobe trait. This is shown by the Punnet square below;
I would say chordates. (Not absolutely sure so double check)
Chordates have a dorsal nerve cord, which is super close to a spinal cord. (Which vertebrates have.)
C. K- Strategy
this type of strategy involves greater investment from parents into their offspring.
Isotonic since in a hypertonic solution the cell would shrivel up and in a hypotonic solution it would lyse (burst).