A business owner pays for rent and equipment at their office ⇒ FIXED COSTs since the amount of rent paid should be the same year after year
An airline considers the costs of serving food and beverages to its passengers ⇒ VARIABLE COSTS since the cost of serving food will increase as the number of passengers increase, or will decrease if the number of passengers decrease
A company considers the costs it pays to its employees ⇒ VARIABLE COSTS since the number of employee can vary and the number of hours worked can also vary
A clothing manufacturer buys new machines for its factory ⇒ FIXED COSTS since the machines are depreciated at a predetermined rate that doesn't depend on the factory's output
Borrowed money obtained through loans of various types is
called debt capital. capital is a loan made to a company that is normally
repaid at some future date. Debt capital is the loan that a business raises by
taking out a loan.
The American Marketing Association defines a brand as "a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors."
According to Kotler a brand is a name a sign or combination of these to distinguish one product from the others. People often associate and develop relationships with the brand so that they can trust rely and depend on for future purchase.
According to Kotler's definition a brand must be distinguished from the other products and then it must have a desirable place in the minds of the consumers. That is the brand is as good as the customers think.
through allowing agribusiness companies to create oligopolies
B. Diplomatic Relations
Anything involving peaceful relationships and communications between multiple countries is diplomatic relations