Two major influences on German Baroque were the German Violin bow and true chords that were often used. It made Bach's music more interesting. The church and stat also influenced Baroque music.
Answer: Inca art often depicted llamas because llamas were such big parts of the Incas lives. Their whole civilization was largely dependent on llamas.
Llamas were the most important domestic animal in the Inca civilization. They used the llama's wool for warmth, they used the llama dung for fertilizer in their crops, they used llamas as a source of food, the llamas carried packs during long trips and they were even used in sacrifice rituals!
I actually have a llama. He protects our goats from mountain lions, so the Incas might have used llamas to protect their sheep or whatever too. :)
I hope this helps.
The answer is - Absolute music
I would want to control blood . mine and other peoples