D. es el responde correcto !
That should help! :)
1. Falso.
2. Cierto.
3. Cierto.
4. Falso.
In this exercise you have to say if the statements are true or false. When a statement is true you must say that the statement is "cierto" and when the statement is false you must say that the statement is "falso".
For example:
1. Falso (false) because the member didn't know Parkison's disease very well when the association was founded.
2. Cierto (true) because Parkinson is the second most important chronic neurodegenerative disease.
3. Cierto (true) because the association needed to do something in order to call people's attention.
4. Falso (false) because the man who was against the idea came back.
Número de sílabas: 4
Separación silábica: lec-to-rí-a
La sílaba tónica es rí, es una palabra “llana” o paroxítona, esto es que su sílaba tónica es la penúltima y lleva tilde.
La palabra lectoría tiene un hiato
Se produce hiato entre las vocales "í" y "a" de las sílabas rí y a porque la vocal i acentuada es tónica y la vocal a es abierta.