Well Theres this treatment u can try where u drink like tea and add lemon and stuff like that and ginger and it helps you
you should ask if you can take a test but try to stay from people as much and Always wear a mask even inside your home but get the blue ones they seam safer
DRink alot of water
If you have a medical appointment, notify your healthcare provider ahead of time that you have or may have CO VID-19.
Stay in a specific room and away from other people in your home. If possible, use a separate bathroom. If you must be around others, wear a mask.
You will get through this<3
The answer is b. hope i helped :D
Answer: the fox joyfulness
Today I had to give a speech in English class (boo!). The assignment had two parts: to explain a process to prepare some visual aids. I thought I knew my material, but I'm not sure I did very well at first. Both my teachers (and) my classmates looked very confused while I spoke. Finally, I began to concentrate on what I was saying (and) the situation improved. I even coaxed a few laughs from my audience. Not only did I start to make sense, I began to have fun. (As) I gave this speech, I have learned something about myself. I will never be a great public speaker, (however) I would not fear public speaking either.