the numbers are the size of the letters you type. the ab with the line through it is for marking stuff off of like a list or something. and the one all the way on the right I can't see good enough to tell what it is.
the most common are twisted pair, coaxial, Ethernet cross over, and fiber optic.
TAX_RATE = 0.20
gross_income = float(input("Enter the gross income: "))
number_of_dependents = int(input("Enter the number of dependents: "))
income = gross_income - STANDART_DEDUCTION - (DEPENDENT_DEDUCTION * number_of_dependents)
tax = income * TAX_RATE
print ("The income tax is $" + str(round(tax, 2)))
Define the <em>constants</em>
Ask user to enter the <em>gross income</em> and <em>number of dependents</em>
Calculate the <em>income</em> using formula (income = gross_income - STANDART_DEDUCTION - (DEPENDENT_DEDUCTION * number_of_dependents))
Calculate the <em>tax</em>
Print the <em>tax</em>
<em />
round(number, number of digits) -> This is the general usage of the <em>round</em> function in Python.
Since we need <u>two digits of precision</u>, we need to modify the program as str(<u>round(incomeTax, 2</u>)).
Similar to a While loop, a For loop consists of three parts: the keyword For that starts the loop, the condition being tested, and the EndFor keyword that terminates the loop.
Loop statements usually have four components: initialization (usually of a loop control variable), continuation test on whether to do another iteration, an update step, and a loop body.
Under the New Technology System, the Deny permission is applied when the administrator wants to overrule the permission given to members of a group. The Allow and Deny options help in regulating access to the components of the system. Only authorized groups are granted access to the files.
Most times, the Deny permission is considered before the Allow permission. If the user is denied access to some files and granted access to some, the deny permission is most times considered first.