Ethics in artificial intelligence and robotics are of greater importance today as machine learning or robots are put to use to benefit humans and also ti harm humans.
Ethics in robotics or artificial intelligence in sometimes referred to as "roboethics". It is very necessary in todays time because robots are made to interact with the society, the humans.
This is the key concern for ethics which is based on growing awareness of the requirement to regulate, the advancements in the field of AI in the near future. The future law or regulations should be on the basis of some of the shared values such as privacy, freedom, security, respect for human dignity, non - military, inclusions, etc. Here, the uncertainty is also being recognized, the uncertainty to know the advancements of AI in the near future. Therefore the regulations and ethical dilemmas should be rethought in the middle.
To convert a decimal number to a binary number we have to constantly divide the decimal number by 2 till the decimal number becomes zero and the binary number is writing the remainders in reverse order of obtaining them on each division.
Hence the binary number is 10111.001
To convert binary to hexa decimal we to make a group 4 binary bits starting from the decimal and moving outwards if the last group is not of 4 then add respective 0's and write the corresponding hexa decimal number.
<u>0001</u> <u>0111</u> . <u>0010</u>
1 7 2
Hence the hexadecimal number is 17.2
A GUI (graphical user interface) is a system of interactive visual components for computer software. A GUI displays objects that convey information, and represent actions that can be taken by the user. The objects change color, size, or visibility when the user interacts with them.