Pretty much the same as in maths
import java.util.Scanner;
public class JavaApplication83 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter Strings: ");
String word1 = scan.nextLine();
String word2 = scan.nextLine();
String newWord = "";
if (word1.length() == word2.length()){
for (int i = 0; i < word1.length(); i++)
newWord += word1.charAt(i) +""+word2.charAt(i);
newWord = "error";
I hope this helps!
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Edit your profile, click preferences, and then there should be a drop down that has your level on it which you can change.
4. Find an example of a print or Internet ad that includes images and text, and then answer the following questions about it.
a. Describe the ad. (1-3 sentences. 1.0 points)
Mcdonald's all day breakfast. It shows their breakfast items, with high-quality images.
b. What do you think this ad's marketing message is? (1-5 sentences. 2.0 points) TIP: Does it use a specific desire or fear, or does it try to show how the product is a need or how it solves a problem?
They use desire because they show their delicious looking food, and the customers are wanting it.
c. Is the ad trying to get people to do something? If so, what is it trying to get people to do? If it isn't trying to get people to do something, what do you think the point of the ad is? (1-5 sentences. 2.0 points)
The ad is trying to get people to stop at Mcdonalds and buy their breakfast items
d. Do you think this ad is effective? Why or why not? (1-5 sentences. 2.0 points)
Yes I think this ad is effective because it is showing high quality images of their breakfast items that encourage people to stop by and try their products.