The space suit
Though the first man stepped on the moon in 1969, in the 1930s astronomers and physicists were already planning for the voyage to outer space. Emilio Herrera Linares, a Spanish military colonel, is credited with being the first to design a pressurised suit which was used in a high-altitude balloon flight in 1936.
The modern mop
While the mop isn’t the most glamorous of inventions, it certainly is one of the most useful. People had been using rags to wash floors since the 15th century but it was in the 1960s that the engineer Manuel Jalón Corominas had the idea to create a purpose-built mop with a bucket to ring the water out in.
that's just a few ^_^!!!
In 1918 H1N1 Or "The Spanish Flu" emerged and was extremely contagious. It was a Novel Virus just as SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus) is. Within months H1N1 spread to almost every country on the planet and was considered a Pandemic. The reason it was called "The Spanish Flu" is because Spain was the only country to report this in their news media. similar to what china tried to do by not reporting about the virus at first. The reason the 1918 was so deadly was because it emerged right as World War 1 ended and soldiers where moving all across the planet to return from the war to their home country which made the virus spread like wildfire and now with SARS-CoV-2 millions of people travel to the other side of the planet within hours daily which made it spread so fast.
James Madison took the lead in writing the Bill of Rights.
The traditional date for the founding of Rome is 21 April 753 BC, following Marcus Terentius Varro, and the city and surrounding region of Latium has continued to be inhabited with little interruption since around that time.The traditional date for the founding of Rome is 21 April 753 BC, following Marcus Terentius Varro, and the city and surrounding region of Latium has continued to be inhabited with little interruption since around that time.
The process of being at the right time